• Water Temperature Not Right? Check Your Water Heater

    If you turn your cold or hot water on and you are not getting the right temperature, there is likely a problem with your water heater. Below is information about this so you can determine the problem your water heater is having. Hot Water Is Cold   If your hot water is cold, this is generally due to a problem with the thermostat on your water heater. First, check the circuit breaker and ensure it is on.
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  • 3 Things To Know About CBD Salves

    The CBD market is expanding as more and more consumers realize the benefits that CBD products can provide. One of the products available for use is a CBD salve. If you aren't familiar with salves, then it can be beneficial to learn what makes these topical treatments unique. Understanding CBD salves can help you see how you can integrate these treatments into your healthcare routine. 1. Salves are Similar to Lotions and Creams
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