Yard Sales: Easy Tactics To Flip Items For A Profit

Posted on: 16 January 2015


Yard sales are marketplaces filled with opportunities to make money. You can buy something at a yard sale today and sell it online or to your local pawn shop to make a profit tomorrow. You just need to know what to look for when you go to a yard sale.

Things to Look For At a Yard Sale

As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. However, it's hard to determine what that treasure may be and how long it will take you to sell it. If you are tight on money, you want to purchase an item that will sell quickly. Here are five items to invest in that people always use.

  • Textbooks -Textbooks that are less than three years old can be a great investment. You can easily sell them online to students or to companies.
  • Frames- Look for antique frames. Many frames can be worth more than the art inside of it. 
  • Old Games - Old video games are collectors' items now. Old board games can be an easy flip. If you see them at a yard sale, perform a quick look up on an online bidding site to see the going price. Some titles can easily return a large profit.
  • Colored Glassware - Colored glassware can be from the Depression era. This age is considered antique, and you could get top dollar for it in the right market.
  • Vintage Jewelry - Salvaging old pieces of gold, silver, and pearl jewelry may pay off. People are always looking for inexpensive jewelry items as many of these pieces do not go out of style. 

Online Sales Versus Local Pawn Shops

You can sell your items online or locally. There are advantages and disadvantages of selling your items online. The major advantages are that you can use bidding sites. This may help you get the greatest profit. You also reach a wider audience, so your item may sell fast. However, think about how long you may need to keep the items. If you don't have enough room in your home or garage, you could find yourself in quite a storage mess.

You must also calculate your shipping costs and evaluate if it is worth the purchase. Items can seem small but cost more to ship than you think.

You can forgo the online aspect and go directly to your local pawn shop. If you decide to sell to a pawn shop, research the price of your item before going to the store. That is the best way to ensure that you get the most money from your investment. Using a pawn shop, you eliminate storage needs and shipping expenses.

Becoming a yard sale flipper can be a wise investment if you know what to purchase. After researching your item, you may find that selling it to a pawn shop, like Woodland Money Loan, is your best bet.