5 Tips For Avoiding Damage To Your Belongings In Self Storage

Posted on: 21 May 2015


Relying on self-storage can be so helpful if you're lacking storage space at home or simply need extra room to store seasonal items or other belongings, but it does require some special planning. In order for you to be confident that your items are in good hands while in storage, you'll need to make sure to follow the tips below for avoiding damage.

Test the Unit for Humidly and Temperature

The first thing you should look into when checking out different storage facilities is the temperature and humidity level in the units. Too much humidity will lead to moisture becoming a problem and some of your belongings getting damaged as a result.

Make Climate Control a Priority

The easiest way to keep your belongings in good shape and prevent damage due to the temperature or humidity is through narrowing your options down to facilities that offer climate control. With climate control set up, you won't need to worry about any of your belongings becoming too hot or cold, leading to damage later.

Avoid Airtight Packaging for Your Belongings

Keeping your belongings in good shape while in storage depends greatly on the packaging you decide to use. A lack of air flow can lead to bacteria growth, causing significant damage to everything from clothing to furniture. Making sure everything is clean before putting it in storage and using items such as plastic storage containers can be especially helpful for keeping your belongings in good condition.

Keep Belongings Off the Floor

Shelving should always be a priority when looking into renting a storage unit and comparing the layouts available. With shelves, you'll be able to keep your belongings elevated off the ground and prevent pests or moisture from being as much of a risk.

Insist Upon Insurance Coverage

Even with all the precautions you take when preparing your belongings for storage, there's always the chance of a fire or flood occurring. An easy way to ensure your items are protected is through opting for insurance for the belongings of your storage unit so you can be reimbursed in the event of any damage.

As you prepare your belongings for self-storage, you'll need to make it a priority to get your items in good shape so that nothing is damaged while stored away. By focusing on choosing the right storage unit and storing your items properly, you won't need to worry about the condition of your belongings while in storage. For more tips, contact a company like Capitol City Mini Storage.